Portland, Maine and the Telephone

Key: Portland telephone history events / Other events for historical context
1842 | Railroad service connects Portland to Boston. |
1849 | Gas lighting becomes available in Portland. |
1868 | Western Union Telegraph Company opens a telegraph office in Portland in the newly-built Thomas Block at 24 Exchange Street. |
1876 | Alexander Graham Bell granted his first U.S. patent for the telephone on March 7th. Bell and his assistant Thomas A. Watson transmit clear speech for the first time in Bell’s Boston laboratory three days later. Watson was employed at the telegraph and electrical equipment firm of Charles Williams, Jr. at the time, where Bell was a client. |
1877 |
The world’s first telephone exchange established in Boston by Edwin T. Holmes for experimental purposes. He later creates the Boston Telephone Despatch Company, a commercial telephone exchange. James Seymour Bedlow, manager of Portland’s Western Union office, announces his role as Western Union’s telephone agent for the State of Maine in local newspapers. |
1878 |
George H. Smardon of Portland is licensed by the Bell Telephone Company as the first agent in Maine to sell their telephones. He receives his first two demonstration models on March 23rd (like the one on the right), and secures coal supplier Randall & McAllister as his first Portland customer. Portland’s first telephones installed in April at the offices of Randall & McAllister at 84 Commercial Street. Frederick A. Gower, an agent from Bell Telephone Company, installed a two-telephone system connecting the company’s office with their coal pockets on Franklin Wharf. Bell Telephone files suit against Western Union for patent infringement in September. |
1879 |
![]() (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, May 14, 1933, page 1D.)
The National Bell Telephone Company wins its patent infringement suit against Western Union and its subsidiaries in the U.S. Supreme Court on November 10th. Western Union surrenders its telephone patents and the exchanges it manages (with 56,000 telephones nationwide) to Bell in return for 20% of Bell royalties for the duration of Bell’s patents. Bell agrees to stay out the direct telegraph business. |
1880 | ![]() (From The Portland Directory and Reference Book of 1881 by S. B. Beckett, page 358, the 22nd Annual Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Portland, 1881, page 94, and ad below in Edward Elwell’s Portland and Vicinity, 1881 edition.) ![]() ![]() |
1881 |
By the end of the year, six to eight men and women typically work the exchange, connecting about 5,000 calls a day. Miss Lydia Facey joins her sister as one of the operators, and William Herbert Lincoln is “first assistant” under Mr. Farnhum. |
1882 |
Western Electric becomes the exclusive telephone manufacturer for American Bell Telephone and it’s affiliates. Several companies had supplied telephone equipment for the Bell system before this. The National Bell Telephone Company of the State of Maine is absorbed by the Northern Massachusetts Telephone Company by May. Dirigo Telephone Company organized in Portland. Due to legal battles over telephone patents and later opposition from New England Telephone & Telegraph, the company doesn’t start to make significant progress until the original Bell patents expire in 1894. After moving their headquarters to Farmington, the company extends telephone lines throughout rural parts of the state. The City of Portland passes an ordinance regulating “the erection of poles and wires for telegraphic and telephonic purposes in the streets and public grounds of the City…” |
1883 | ![]() ![]() (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, May 14, 1933, page 1D.)The Northern Massachusetts Telephone Company is absorbed by the newly incorporated New England Telephone & Telegraph Company (NET&T) in October, along with the Boston Telephone Despatch Company and six other companies operating throughout New England. Portland’s telephone exchange remains in the same location, and is still managed by Isaiah H. Farnham. The number of subscribers to the Portland exchange has risen to about 800. Electric lighting becomes available in Portland one year after the first power plant was established in New York City. |
1885 | American Bell Telephone Company introduces a new long distance company, the American Telephone & Telegraph Company. |
1891 | ![]() (From the Portland Sunday Times, February 22, 1891 and the Portland Sunday Telegram, October 5, 1952.) |
1892 | First year that New England Telephone & Telegraph’s Boston directory lists subscribers in other major New England locations, including about 700 subscribers in the Greater Portland area (beginning on page 187). Telephone numbers are two to four digits long. |
1893 | New branch exchange opened in Deering, Maine (Deering became part of Portland six years later). (From New England Telephone History, c. 1982 – collections of Jasper N. Keller Pioneers.) |
1895 | As the original Bell telephone patents expired the year before, new independent telephone companies emerge in the Portland area. These include the Standard Telephone Company and the Casco Bay Telegraph and Telephone Company, which are both granted the right to string wires in Portland by the City Council. (Neither company seems to have survived for long.) (From The Electrical Engineer, Vol. 19, No. 367 – 5/15/1895, page 447.) |
1899 | American Telephone & Telegraph takes over the business and property of the American Bell Telephone Company, and becomes the parent company of the Bell system. |
1901 |
Double murder occurs at NET&T’s Portland exchange building on April 24th – makes national headlines. George H. Brainerd, a foreman from Boston who had been working on the switch to common battery in Portland’s exchange, unexpectedly shoots and kills Isaiah H. Farnham, electrical engineer for NET&T (former manager of Portland’s telephone exchange), coworker Earle Buxton, and wounds three others during an inspection of the improvements. |
1903 |
New England Telephone and Telegraph connects Peaks Island and Great Diamond Island to Portland’s telephone exchange. NET&T’s local directory lists almost 3,000 subscribers for the Portland exchange, which includes Portland, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Westbrook, Gorham, Windham, Cumberland, Yarmouth, Casco, Gray, Raymond and Bridgton. (The majority are within the City of Portland, and some towns are served by multiple telephone companies.) |
1908 | ![]() (From Public Service Management, October 1908, page 104.)[Read a description of all of the independent telephone companies absorbed by NET&T through 1915 in this Annual Report of the Massachusetts Public Service Commission (1916)] |
1912 | New England Telephone & Telegraph builds a new four-story facility for its switchboard equipment at 45 Forest Avenue in Portland, and moves its business office to Brown Street. The “cut-over” to the new switchboard occurs at 11:17 pm on November 2nd. (From the Portland Board of Trade Journal, November 1910, page 409, the Portland Evening Express, September 2, 1954, page 40, and the Portland Sunday Telegram, November 3, 1912, page 1.) |
1919 | On April 15th, about 200 operators at the Forest Avenue exchange abandon their posts for six days to participate in a workers’ strike against the U.S. Postmaster General, which had assumed war-time control of the New England Telephone & Telegraph company. The women meet at the Pythian Temple on Cumberland Avenue and picket outside of the exchange building. Backed by other industry unions as well their own, the strikers negotiate higher wages and other protections on April 20th and return to work. (From A Women’s History Walking Trail in Portland, Maine by the Women’s Studies Program, University of Southern Maine (1997) and Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities website Mass Moments.) |
1920 | NET&T incorporates its Portland business office into the facility at 45 Forest Avenue. (From the Portland Evening Express, September 2, 1954, page 40.) |
1921 | The Portland Sunday Telegram offers to start taking time-of-day, weather and no-school-announcement type calls for Portland’s operators. (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, September 6, 1964.) |
1924 |
The new Jasper N. Keller Chapter, No. 33, of the Telephone Pioneers of America, an industry charitable organization, holds their first organizational meeting at the Lafayette Hotel in Portland on December 12th. The chapter first represented the State of Maine, but later merged with chapters in New Hampshire and Vermont. |
1925 | To accommodate the growing number of Portland subscribers, New England Telephone & Telegraph introduces separate exchanges on February 28th named “Forest” and “Preble” for mainland Portland and “Peaks” for Peaks Island. (From Portland Press Herald, March 1st, 1925.) |
1932 | NET&T completes construction of an art deco-styled addition to its Forest Avenue facility at the corner of Cumberland Avenue in October. (From the Portland Evening Express, September 2, 1954, page 40.) |
1933 | ![]() (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, June 4, 1933, page 1A and the Portland Sunday Telegram, September 6, 1964.) |
1948 | Mainland Portland prefixes are 2, 3, 4 and 5, followed by a four-digit number. Peaks Island continues with operator-assisted calling. |
1951 | Peaks Island gains direct dial calling by this year – phone numbers on the island begin with the prefix 6. Peaks subscribers must dial 7 plus the number to reach mainland Portland phones. |
1952 | 40,166 telephone subscribers in the Portland vicinity on August 1st, not including Peaks Island and Westbrook. (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, October 5, 1952.) |
1953 | NET&T opens a new engineering department office serving Maine on the third floor of 616 Congress Street in Portland. (From unknown newspaper clipping, vertical file for “Portland Telephone” at Maine Historical Society library.) |
1955 | ![]() (From the Portland Press Herald, July 19, 1955, page 1.) |
1956 | The first direct cable line call from the U.S. to Europe is made on September 25th. All such calls at the time are routed through Portland’s Forest Avenue exchange building. (From the Portland Evening Express, September 25, 1956, page 1.) |
1962 | Portland’s telephone exchange incorporated into a direct distance dialing network, allowing subscribers to make most long-distance calls without operator assistance. (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, September 6, 1964.) |
1963 | By the end of the year, NET&T discontinues the use of named exchanges like “SPruce” and “POrter” in favor of their numerical equivalents (“all-number calling”). Example: 775-4321 instead of SPruce 5-4321. Five-digit dialing within Portland is officially terminated (although the ability remains within some exchanges). See the examples of ads from 1963 and 1964 Portland directories below. (From the Portland Sunday Telegram, September 6, 1964) ![]() ![]() |
1966 | NET&T begins converting equipment to enable the use of new touch tone phones for Greater Portland. (From the Portland Press Herald, October 29, 1966.) |
1972 | ![]() |
1976 | NET&T moves their offices in February from 45 Forest Avenue to a new office facility at 5 Davis Farm Road (leased from Pizzagalli Properties). Telephone switching equipment remains at the Forest Avenue facility. (From Verizon New England, Inc. vs. Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, United States District Court, District of Maine, June 1, 2001.)AT&T builds a new office building at 380 Cumberland Avenue, connected through an underground conduit to New England Telephone’s facility at 45 Forest Avenue. |
1978 | NET&T replaces their operated switchboard at 45 Forest Avenue with an automated system. (From the Lewiston Sun Journal, January 13, 1978.) |
1984 |
First cellular telephone service begins in several large cities, including New York and Los Angeles. |
1986 | FCC auctions off cellular telephone operating licenses in service areas across the country, granting two licenses in the Greater Portland area to mobile service providers Cellular One and Maine Cellular. (From Portland Press Herald, October 15, 1998, page 1A and June 14, 1994, page 1C.) |
1988 |
Cellular One begins operating in Greater Portland during the week of June 13th. The company is a franchise, the Portland division owned by Vanguard Cellular Systems of Greenville, North Carolina. Maine Cellular begins offering service in Greater Portland on June 14th. The company is initially a joint venture among the Standish Telephone Company, Community Service Telephone Company of Winthrop, and NYNEX Mobile Communications. |
1990 |
By this time, Maine Cellular is owned by PortCell (Portland Cellular Partnership), a business partnership between NYNEX Mobile Communications, Lewiston-Auburn Cellular and Seacoast Cellular. Northeast Cellular Telephone Company wins a court appeal forcing the FCC to transfer PortCell’s license to them. Northeast Cellular complained that PortCell never filed required proof of its financial ability to build and operate a cellular phone system before being awarded their license. Northeast Cellular begins building their own cellular network. |
1992 | Vanguard builds a new mobile telephone switching office (MTSO) at 12 Saunders Way in Westbrook for their Cellular One network in southern Maine. The owner is listed as their subsidiary, Atlantic Cellular Telephone Corporation. |
1994 | Northeast Cellular begins offering service in Greater Portland in November under the name Maine Wireless, absorbing the former customers of Maine Cellular (PortCell). Northeast Cellular was primarily owned by Timothy D. Hutchinson of Gray, with U.S. Cellular as a partner in the venture. (From Portland Press Herald, November 26, 1994, page 1B and October 15, 1998, page 1A) |
1997 |
Nextel Communications begins offering mobile phone service in Greater Portland. Starting in September, Mainers are allowed for the first time to subscribe to companies other than their local carrier for in-state long-distance calls. About 25 companies, including AT&T, MCI and Sprint compete for new customers. (Subscribers had already been able to use other companies for in-state long-distance calls since the mid-1980s by dialing a five-digit access code.) |
1998 |
Supreme Court rules in favor of Maine Cellular’s appeal to take their FCC operating license back from Maine Wireless due to provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, thus ending a twelve-year battle between the two companies. Maine Cellular begins rebuilding its network to prepare for providing mobile phone service again. OmniPoint begins offering mobile phone service in Greater Portland. |
1999 |
Bell Atlantic Mobile buys out Lewiston-Auburn Cellular and Seacoast Cellular’s stakes in PortCell, and begins operating Maine Cellular under its own name. AT&T Wireless Services buys Vanguard Cellular Systems, closes their Cellular One call center in South Portland, and begins operating the former Cellular One franchise in Maine as AT&T Wireless. |
2000 |
AT&T Wireless expands the MTSO in Westbrook. (The facility is still registered under their subsidiary Atlantic Cellular Telephone Corp.) VoiceStream Wireless takes over OmniPoint. |
2002 | VoiceStream Wireless changes its name to T-Mobile. |
2004 | AT&T Wireless is acquired by Cingular Wireless. |
2005 | Nextel Communications merges with Sprint. |
2006 | U.S. Cellular begins operating mobile phone service in the Portland area. |
2007 | Cingular Wireless changes its name to AT&T (the wireless branch is AT&T Mobility) after corporate mergers among SBC Communications, BellSouth and the original AT&T. |
2008 | ![]() |
2017 | Consolidated Communications buys FairPoint Communications, and the purchase is finalized on July 3rd. |
2018 | ![]() |
- The Telephone Museum – Ellsworth, Maine
- The New Hampshire Telephone Museum – Warren, New Hampshire
- The Telephone Museum – Waltham, Massachusetts
Sources & Acknowledgements: Many of the transitions above, unless otherwise noted, were gleaned from Portland city directories and telephone directories available at Portland Public Library and Brown Library at Maine Historical Society, online tax assessor databases used by the cities of Portland and Westbrook and the FCC’s online license database. I would like to thank Bill Barry, Jamie Kingman Rice, Jamie Cantoni and Dani Fazio at Maine Historical Society’s Brown Library; Cathleen Miller of the Maine Women Writers Collection at the University of New England; Gabrielle Daniello and Abraham Schechter of the Portland Room at Portland Public Library; and Mary Lefebvre of the Japser N. Keller Pioneers (TelecomPioneers Chapter # 33) for their assistance in my research.